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Invite People to Your Project

How to invite your internal team, collaborators, and clients

Updated over a week ago

Now that you have your project set up, it’s time to invite your team members, collaborators, and client(s).

You’ll manage anyone who is working with you on the project from either the People tab or directly within the individual Project Settings, where you have flexibility over who sees what within a project. More on managing People in BuildBook.

Add Pro Team Members

Pro Team Members/Admins must first be added to your BuildBook account before you can add them to a Project. Pro Team Members are not automatically added to existing projects. After they've accepted your Pro Team invitation, then you can add them to projects.

There are two ways you can add a Pro Team Member to a project:

  1. Within a Project, navigate to your Settings within the project by clicking the + symbol in the upper right corner or by clicking Settings. Click + Add Pro Team Member located in the People on this Project section and select the Pro Team Member(s) you would like to add from the dropdown menu.

2. Add the Pro Team Member from the People tab in BuildBook.

You have a selection of options to grant the Pro Team Member permission. More on project permissions here.

They will automatically be added to the project and will receive an email notification letting them know.

Pro Team Admins have the ability to see and add users all projects, regardless of if they are on that project or not. Pro Team Admins can add themselves to all projects through their people card as shown above.

Invite Collaborators

Anyone who is involved in one or more projects, but is not part of your internal team, is a Collaborator (sub-contractors, vendors, designers, architects, etc.). They are invited on a per-project basis with flexible permission settings, as outlined here.

There are two ways you can add a Collaborator to your Project.

  1. Add Collaborators the same way as your Pro Team Members from the Project Settings.

  2. Add the Collaborator from the People tab in BuildBook, similar to adding in a Team Member. To see more about inviting Collaborators using the People tab, check out this article: Managing People

When you invite a Collaborator to your project, they’ll receive an email invitation. If this is the first project they've ever been invited to, they'll also create an account. Once they accept the invitation, they can access the project.

They should wait to receive this invitation from you before downloading the BuildBook App or trying to log in to the system.

Collaborators who have accepted an invitation to your team in the past, can be added to future projects without having to accept a new invitation.

Note: If you want to get a head start on assigning Collaborator Tasks, BuildBook allows you to assign tasks to pending invitees. They will be notified that they have assigned Tasks when they log into BuildBook for the first time.

Invite Clients

Clients are invited the same way as Pro Team Members and Collaborators in the Project Settings or from the People tab. All clients have the same permission levels based on which tabs of the project you want them to have access to.

Note: If you want to get a head start on assigning your Client Tasks, BuildBook allows you to assign tasks to pending invitees. They will be notified that they have assigned Tasks when they log into BuildBook for the first time.

Invite No Access Contacts

Tasks can also be assigned to people in your contact list, who are not yet users in BuildBook. These types of assignees are labeled with the 'No Access' badge.

Assigning No Access contacts to tasks is often useful when:

  • Setting up your project and adding assignees before inviting users into the project. This reduces questions and any confusion until all task, schedule, and budget creation has been completed.

  • Organizing tasks within your team, by adding assignees who you may never use BuildBook, or who may not need an invite until a certain phase of the project.

To access your contact list from the task assignee area, start typing until you find your match.

How to Invite No Access Contacts to a Project

When you use No Access contacts with tasks, they will appear in the project settings area. You can verify their email, set permissions, and invite them.

Managing Additional Project Invites

We've made it even easier for Clients and Collaborators to accept additional invites to Projects! Project invites have been centralized to reduce the work required to accept one or more invites. You'll notice that there is now a new tab within Projects called Invites:

This tab allows you to quickly and easily access any pending Project invites you have not accepted yet and gives you the ability to bulk accept or decline the invites.

When a user has multiple pending invites a blue numbered badge will display on the tab header, indicating the number of pending invites the user needs to address. Pending invites appear in a list with buttons to Join the Project or Decline Invite on the right. Users can click on the small box selection to the left of the Projects to Bulk Add or Decline the Projects:

When clicking on the bulk selection, a new action menu will open up at the bottom of the screen asking if you'd like to Join the Project or Decline the invites:

Clients and Collaborators will still receive an email notification requesting them to join the Projects, the email is slightly updated to reflect potential bulk invitations and to invite the user to the invites page:

Note: Collaborators who have already been a part of past projects, will automatically accept future project invitations. If a user already had an account and is currently a valid user associated with your team, they will receive notification that they've been added to new projects.

This also slightly changes our Client's view of BuildBook. Typically if a Client signs into BuildBook they would go directly to their Project Updates tab within their Project. Now the Client will be directed to a Projects list similar to your list. This will allow Clients who need to be invited to more than one Project the ability to bulk accept those invites as well.

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