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Create and Manage Projects
Create and Manage Projects

How to create a new project and manage all of your projects

Updated over 5 months ago

One of the first things you’ll want to do in BuildBook is to create your first project. We suggest picking a real project that you are currently running, or one that you are about to start.

Using BuildBook with a real project will help you think through exactly how you want to start using BuildBook within your business. Don’t worry – you are the only person that has access to it until you invite others, so there is no pressure for it to be perfect.

Create a Project

You can create a project from your Dashboard by clicking the + New dropdown menu or from the Projects tab by clicking on + New Project.

  1. Opportunity: If you have an existing Opportunity with an approved Proposal, select the Opportunity from the dropdown. Pro Tip: you can also convert an Opportunity to a Project directly from the Opportunity.

    1. Pick what Estimate Version should be carried over.

  2. Fill out the Project name, address, and type (hint: this is customizable! Feel free to add your own.)

  3. Working Days: Uncheck non-working days to exclude them from the project schedule.

  4. Template: Create your project using information from a template.

    1. Choose what items should carry over

    2. Use the same start date or choose a new start date

Project Settings

You can easily change the Project Name, Type, Address, Working Days, or linked Opportunity in the Settings within each project. Just click the Project then click the Settings tab on the far right.

From here you can just type over the existing information that you want to change.

  • Name - edit or type in a new Project Name

  • Project Address - as you start typing in the address, choose the correct full address that appears in the dropdown to enable the Map

  • Type - the Project Type is customizable, so if you don't see the one you want to use in the dropdown, just start typing and click "Create" to add it to the list.

  • Opportunity - if you want the project to be linked to an existing Opportunity, start typing the Opportunity name in and select the one you'd like to use. This will create a new link between the Project and Opportunity.

The updated information is saved automatically. When you navigate back to the Project Home Screen you'll see the changes reflected.

Manage Your Projects

Manage all of your projects from the Projects screen by clicking "Projects" from your BuildBook dashboard. From your main Projects page, you get a high-level view of some details related to each project including the project type, when it was last updated, and who is in the project.

Click the 3 dots to the right of any project in your project list to, View Opportunity Create a Template, Archive a Project, Leave a Project, Delete a Project, or Add as a Favorite.

View Opportunity

This will allow you to see the opportunity that the Project was created from.

+ Create Template

This will allow you to save time by using existing Projects and saving them as Templates. You can then use those Templates to create new Projects.

"Favorite" specific projects

Click the Star icon next to a project in the project list and it is added in a larger box as a Favorite across the top of your projects.

To remove a project from your favorites, just click the three dots in the upper right and click "Remove from Favorites."

Archive a Project

You can Archive a project that you don't yet want to delete and hold on to the information you may need to reference later on.

Archive a project by clicking the ••• menu to the right of the project name, and click "Archive."

Archived Projects are moved to the Archived Projects folder, which you can access from your Projects in the upper right.

Archived projects are accessible by the project owner and Pro Team members. However, Clients and Collaborators lose access to Archived projects.

To recover an Archived Project, just click on the Archived Projects folder, click the same ••• menu, and click "Un-Archive" to return your Project to the main Projects list.

Leave a Project

If you were invited to a project and your role in the project is now over or you no longer need access to the project then you can opt to leave the project. Once you leave, the project will no longer be available and you'll need to be re-invited to access it. Note: Project owners, or the creator of the project, cannot leave their own project.

Delete a Project

You can delete any Projects that you're not using or are incorrect. Deleting a Project deletes all of the information within the Project. If you accidentally delete a Project, our team can recover it for you as long as it hasn't been over 30 days. Just reach out to our Support team using the ? icon in BuildBook or by emailing us at [email protected].

Filter Projects

To easily filter your project list by a specific project title or type, enter the keyword you are looking for and the project list will begin to filter down. For example, you can look for a specific word or phrase in a project’s title or look for projects that are New Construction.

To filter by people, click the people filter and select the specific people you are looking for. The list will display any Pro Team Members, Clients, or Collaborators that are currently members of a project. As you select people, the project list will automatically filter down and list the projects with those members.

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