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Add Project Docs & Files

Organize all of your relevant files and images

Updated over 5 months ago

Files are super easy to upload, organize, and manage in each BuildBook project.

There's no limit to what you can upload, from the construction agreement you have with your client to plans, drawings, or inspirational pics. Store anything here that will help your team and client have access to all the information they need during the course of the project.

Note: You can upload as many photos and documents as you'd like, however, the maximum amount per upload is 10 photos and/or documents.

Additionally, Microsoft documents such as Excel and Word files, can't be previewed directly. You'll need to download the document to view it. PDF files and images do have a preview option.

By default, files are visible to your Pro Team members and any Collaborators you add with everything access. You can choose to share files with clients as well as limited access users.

Upload Files

In your Files tab either click "Upload Files" and upload from your device - or simply drag and drop the file you want to upload.

Organize Files

Organize your files with folders by clicking "New Folder" and adding as many folders as you need.

Easily move files into different folders by dragging and dropping them. Files are automatically sorted by the date they were last updated. If you want to move a file out of a folder, just drag it to the "Up a Level" link inside the folder.

List View vs. Grid View

In the upper right, click the List View dropdown to switch to Grid View, which allows you to see folders and files in a different layout.

In Grid View you can also sort by Name, Created, File Type, and Shared.

File Options

To the right of each file and file folder is a menu with three dots that will give you the option to do a few things with files:

  • Download: download files to your device

  • Rename: easily give files or folders new names

  • Share with Client

  • Share with Limited Files Users

  • Trash: delete unwanted files. Trashed files are relocated to the Deleted Files folder, where you can permanently delete them if you need to. You can access deleted files by clicking the menu to the right of the List View/Grid View dropdown and click "Show Deleted."

File types that are viewable (PDFs, images) can also be previewed by simply clicking on the file name and opening the item. You can download a file from the preview by clicking the three dots in the upper right and clicking Download.

Sharing Files

By default, files and folders are only visible to project members with access to Everything in Files permissions.

In order for Files to be shared with any other user (clients, team members, or collaborators), you must first provide them with Limited Files access in your Project Settings. From there, you still need to then grant them access to the file or folder from the Files tab.

For clients, you can choose to hide the Files tab completely. In order for them to see any files, they need to first have access to Files in the project Settings. Then access is granted per folder/file.

  • To share a file or folder with a Limited File User or a Client with whom you have allowed access to the Files tab, click the ••• menu, and choose "Share with Client" or "Share with Limited File Users."

  • A green icon appears next to the file or folder, letting you know who can see it

Note: If you share a folder, everything in that folder is also shared.

We recommend creating folders for your Client or Limited File Users and uploading all files you'd like to share with each role inside of it.

Public Sharing

Seamlessly share your project files with external collaborators through user-friendly public links.

Key Features:

  • Folder Sharing: Share entire folders, including all nested subfolders and files.

  • Individual File Sharing: Choose specific files for sharing.

Additional Notes:

Link Expiration - Public links do not expire unless the folder/file has been unshared.

Permissions - Only full-access users can share a public link. Anyone viewing a public link can view or download the file. Editing permissions are not allowed.

Root folder sharing - While Public Links for Files provides extensive sharing capabilities, sharing is currently limited to the root level (the first set of folders within your files area). Subfolders and individual files within a folder cannot be shared from child folders below the root folder. If a child folder needs to be shared, the root folder above needs to be shared.

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