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Adding Collections to Your Portfolio
Adding Collections to Your Portfolio

Learn how to feature Collections on your page

Updated over 5 months ago

At this point in your setup, you should have some Collections created. If not, we’d recommend reading about how to create and manage Collections before learning how to add them to your Portfolio.

Your Portfolio wouldn’t be complete without some show-stopping galleries of your work! In your Portfolio, you can add up to five collections to feature on your page. Let’s jump right in.

Add a Collection to Your Portfolio

  1. Navigate to your Portfolio page from the menu.

  2. Go to Collections.

  3. There are five Collection boxes available where you can choose which Collections you’d like to feature in your Portfolio. Click on one of the Public Collection boxes or click the “Edit & Add Collections” button.

  4. Collections you’ve already created will appear here for you to choose from. If you want to create a new one, click the “Add a new Collection” button.

  5. Once you select the Collection you’d like to add, click “Add to Page.”

Rearranging and Removing Collections

On your Configure Your Portfolio page under Portfolio Collections, you’ll see the Collections you added. From here, you can rearrange or edit.

Featured Collection

Public Collection One is automatically the featured Collection, which means it will be front and center on your page beneath your header. If you want to feature a different Collection, hover over the collection and drag the boxes around to reorder them.

Removing a Collection from the Portfolio

Click the "Edit & Add Collections" button or click into one of the Public Collection boxes. Uncheck any checked collections you'd like to remove.

Pro Tip: We suggest adding at least three collections to your Portfolio. Try organizing collections shown on your Portfolio by client, job, or type of work performed.

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