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Schedule: Gantt Chart View

Tips for using the Gantt chart

Updated over a week ago

If you're new to using a Gantt chart we suggest starting with our Gantt Charts 101 article.

The project Schedule in BuildBook is created by adding Phases and Tasks, but can also include Selections, Change Orders, and Payments if you've set due dates for these items in your project. Due dates are only required for Phases, so if an item is not showing up on your calendar, be sure that you've set a due date or date range.

If you haven't created a Phase yet, here's a quick overview.

Edit items in the Schedule

The Schedule can be edited in a few different places within the Gantt chart depending on your preference and what information you'd like to adjust.

How items can be edited will depend on whether or not you're using dependencies and which Schedule Mode you're using. We dive into working with dependencies and how each Schedule Mode works in this article.

Drag and Drop

The Gantt chart is interactive so you can easily adjust your timeline and create dependencies by dragging and dropping the bars in the Gantt chart.

Individual items

Items without dependencies or parent-child relationships don't have relationships with other items so adjustments made won't affect any other items in the Schedule.

Predecessors and Successors

How dependencies work together in your schedule will depend on what mode you're using.


In the left sidebar, you can edit the Start date and Duration by clicking the date or duration and typing or selecting the option you'd like.

Opening an item

You can also make all of the same adjustments available on the Schedule by clicking the item and opening up all of its details. Simply click the item name in the Item column in the left sidebar or click the bar for the item in the Gantt chart.

Right-click to edit

Sort the Schedule

Click the column header in the sidebar and choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending to reverse the sort order.

Using the Start sort is a quick and easy way to see updates to the Schedule in real-time as you adjust the timeline.

You can add another layer of sorting using the Multi-Sort and choosing Ascending or Descending. To remove Multi-Sort, right-click and choose Remove Sorter.

Set Lag Time Between Items

How lag is set in your schedule will depend on which Schedule mode you are using.

  1. Auto Mode - lag is set in the item to add extra time between a predecessor and successor or to decrease the amount of time between the two items. To set minimum lag, open up the predecessor that the lag should be applied to and add a positive or negative number next to the relevant successor.

  2. Fixed Mode - Moving an item with dependencies will maintain the space (lag) between all successors. This allows items to be more easily moved as a group. If you move an activity forward, any successors connected will also move forward. Moving it backward will also move successors back to retain the original spacing or lag.

    You can also drag activities to overlap each other. This may create negative lag, but will not overwrite any lag values stored in Auto mode.

  3. Ignore Mode - You can freely move activities around on the timeline without being affected by dependency rules. You can still make dependency connections using drag and drop or by opening the item, but the manual schedule and lag settings will not be visible.

Copy another Schedule

You can copy a Schedule from another Project and import Phases, Tasks, and schedule dependencies into the current Project. In this example, we'll be using Project A and Project B.

  1. To copy your Schedule from Project A to Project B, start at Project B (the destination Project).

  2. Go to your Schedule tab in Project B and click on the ellipses menu in the top right corner of the Tasks > choose "Copy From"

  3. Choose your Project to copy the Schedule from by using the Copy From drop-down menu.

  4. You can then adjust the dates for the Schedule to match the start of your Project or leave them as is and adjust them once they're copied over.

  5. Once you've selected your Project to copy the Schedule from and adjusted your dates, click on the Copy Phases and Tasks button. You'll notice that the Copy button at the bottom will tell you how many Phases and Tasks from the Project are coming over.

What to know about copying a schedule into an existing project:

  • Other items with dates (such as budget items or selections) will not be copied into the schedule.

  • Only Pro Team Members with Manage Project permissions enabled will be able to access this feature, and they will only be able to copy from projects where they also have access to Manage Project

Customize the Sidebar

The sidebar has a default view, but you can customize it if you would like. You have the ability to hide columns, re-arrange columns, and sort. The Manual column is hidden by default

Hide/View Columns

Right-click on the column header and choose Columns. From here you can uncheck any columns you want hidden and can unhide columns.

Re-order Columns

Click the column you wish to move and drag it to the right or left.

Resize Column Widths

Hover over the vertical line between any column and a double arrow will appear, which indicates you can drag to resize that column.

Reset Customization

To reset all customization, right-click on a column and choose Reset Customization.

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