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Pro Dashboard

Your snapshot of all upcoming Tasks across Projects and Opportunities

Updated over 5 months ago

The Pro Dashboard gives you a snapshot of everything coming up across all of your Projects and Opportunities. The Dashboard not only provides quick access to Tasks, a calendar, and an Activity Feed - it also allows you to quickly create a new Task, Daily Log, Project, or Opportunity.

The dashboard consists of four main sections:

  1. "+ New Button"

  2. Up Next

  3. Tasks

  4. Latest Activity

+ New Activity Button

Easily create new Tasks, Daily Logs, Projects, and Opportunities directly from your dashboard.

Create a new Task or Daily Log

Create a Task or Daily Log for an existing project by clicking "New", and then choosing which Project (or Opportunity, if you're creating a Task) it belongs to.

The "Where" field allows you to choose from the drop-down menu or start typing the name to search for the Project or Opportunity. The drop-down menu of the Where field only shows Projects or Opportunities that are newly created. Older Projects will need to be searched.

Create a new Project or Opportunity

Click the '+New' button to create a new Project or Opportunity and complete the forms the same way you would normally create these.

When you're ready to save and create, you can choose to either save the new item and stay in your Dashboard, or you can choose to be taken to the new Project or Opportunity using the "Save and View/Create and View" option.

Creating Estimates

In addition to creating estimates through the global estimates page, you can now create estimates directly from the New omnibutton on the dashboard. Click the new button, select estimate, enter your estimate details, and your estimate will be created. You can save and return to the dashboard or save and view the estimate. Like estimates created from the global estimates page, there will be an opportunity created automatically.

Up Next

The calendar under Up Next is a condensed view of your Global Schedule, with a monthly calendar on the left and a daily view of upcoming items across Projects on the right.

By default, the first 6 items will appear in the list of what is due on the date selected from the calendar. If there are more than 6 items due, click the “6 more” link below the least to keep expanding additional items.

On the right, you will see a list of all items that coincide with the selected date.

All of the same items that have a due date associated with them that appear in the Global Schedule appear in the Up Next section of the Dashboard. Different icons next to the item name distinguish if the item is a Phase, Task, Selection, Change Order, or Credit.

You can easily get a more detailed view of each item by clicking on the name, which will open up the full item where you can make adjustments if needed.

If you need to jump into the project once you’ve opened an item, just click the project name in the upper left corner.

You can also access the Schedule for the entire month by clicking “View Schedule” in the upper right.


The Tasks section gives you a snapshot of what’s on your or your team’s plates for the day, plus an upcoming schedule. This gives everyone a way to quickly see a list of what’s due across all Projects and Opportunities. The Task list is organized by Tasks with a due date and Tasks without a due date.

Each Task includes a complete button that can be checked off, the Task title, due date/range, the Project name for the Task, and if anyone is assigned to the Task.

Tasks can be quickly accessed and managed by simply clicking the name of the Task to open it. From here you can edit the Task just like you would within a Project.

If you need to get more background on the Task within the Project, just click the project name in the upper left corner and you’ll be taken to the Project or Opportunity for that Task.

Once a Task is completed via the quick complete button, it will be grayed out and disappear upon refresh.

Tasks with a due date are the default view and are organized chronologically by due date across three sections:

  1. Overdue

  2. Due Today

  3. Coming Up

The number of Tasks in each of these sections is noted next to the section name. For example, if there are 3 Overdue Tasks, there will be a “3” noted next to the “Overdue” section title.

The Tasks in your Dashboard include both Project Tasks and Opportunity Tasks. In the default view that shows all Tasks, you can distinguish which ones are for Projects vs. Opportunities by the icon next to the item name. Tasks that are for Opportunities will have a $ next to them and Tasks for a Project will have a little house:


You can filter Tasks by Assignee, Project, or by Project-only Tasks vs. Opportunity-only Tasks.

Latest Activity

Finally, at the bottom of the Dashboard is a list of the latest activity across all Projects and Opportunities, similar to the individual Activity Feed within individual Projects and Opportunities.

There are options to filter by people who performed the activity along with filtering the view to see only Project or Opportunity activity.

The Latest Activity feed shows any changes or updates that you’ve made to Opportunities, Project Schedules, Files, and the Budget as well as @mentions in comments and comments made by clients. Clicking the name of the Project or Opportunity underneath the activity will open it. Every activity is also timestamped.


The Dashboard is able to be seen by your Pro Team and Collaborators who are invited to multiple Projects. Clients will not be able to see the Dashboard at any point in time.

Up Next

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