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Notifications in BuildBook

Adjust how you receive email and push notifications on iOS and Android

Updated over 5 months ago

Project Notifications

Here are the notifications you and others on your team and people you've invited to projects will receive, depending on their notification settings.

  1. Task assignments - If someone is assigned a Task, they'll be notified that a new Task was assigned to them and who assigned it

  2. Project invitations - When you invite a Collaborator or Client to a project, you'll be notified when they accept the invitation

  3. Daily Logs - When a new Log is created, you will receive a notification that includes who posted the Log and the date it was posted if you have opted in to receive Daily Log notifications

  4. @mentions - When someone on the project uses the @mention feature to mention/tag you in a comment or a chat, you'll be notified

  5. New Chat messages - To keep your inbox from overflowing, chat message notifications are only sent via mobile push, not via email. When you have unread chat messages on any of your projects, a blue badge will appear on the chat icon in the upper right corner. Click on the chat icon to see a list of projects with unread chat messages across your projects.

Opportunities and Estimate Notifications

  1. Task assignments - similar to Project Tasks, if someone is assigned a Task, they'll be notified that a new Task was assigned to them and who assigned it

  2. Tasks marked as complete by another user - If a Task that is assigned to you is marked as complete by another user, you will be notified of who marked it as complete and when

  3. Stage changes - Owners of Opportunities are notified when the Stage for that Opportunity is changed

  4. Estimate approvals/declines - You will receive a notification in BuildBook, via push notification in the mobile app, and/or via email when your client marks the estimate as approved or declined.

Notification Settings

You can choose to receive notifications (via email or phone push) for activities that happen in your BuildBook projects to keep you in the loop and never miss a beat.

Download the BuildBook mobile apps

To receive notifications on your phone or tablet, you need to have the latest version of BuildBook iOS or Android app installed on your device.

To make sure you are using the latest version of the app, visit the links below on your mobile device and update the app if prompted. We recommend turning on auto-update so that you always have the latest version installed.

Adjust your notification settings

  • From the BuildBook web app, click your user avatar in the top right, choose Settings, then choose Notification Settings. Click here to go there now.

  • From the mobile app, click your avatar in the top right and simply choose Notification Settings.

By default, your notification settings are set to notify you about important events and all client activity. You can adjust these settings as needed at any time by visiting your notification settings. Here's what each setting does:

  1. Don't send me any notifications: We won't send you any notifications to phone or email. You can always check the notification bell in the upper right to see everything that's new for you.

  2. Notify me when something important happens: We'll send you notifications for important activities.

    • Important events include: When you are invited to a new project, a Task is assigned to you, or someone @mentions you in a comment/chat message

      • Daily Logs: By default, you receive a notification for all new Daily Logs. However, you can choose to opt out of receiving notifications when Daily Logs are created.

      • Client activity: By default, you will be notified about all client activity, just to make sure you don't miss anything. However, you can choose to only be notified when the client @mentions you in a comment or chat message instead.

  3. Notify me about everything: Use this setting if you want to receive push notifications on your mobile device for all new Chat messages.

Email Digests

  • Daily Email Digest: If you have a Task assigned to you with an upcoming due date within 48 hours or an overdue Task assigned to you, you'll receive a daily email summary with the subject line "What's Due For You."

  • Weekly Email Digests: Each Monday we'll send you an email summary of your important project activities scheduled for the week. This includes anything with a due date across Projects and Opportunities.

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