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Create a Budget

Create, edit and manage your Project's Budget

Updated over a week ago

Create your Budget

The budget is managed within the Budget tab. This tab gives you a comprehensive look at the Items that are associated with your Project. Items are organized by Cost Code Category in the Category View or by first input item via the Spreadsheet View.

There are a few ways you can create your Budget:

  1. Convert an Estimate to a Project

  2. From scratch by adding items from your Price Book

  3. From scratch by creating items

See how you can convert an Estimate into a Project a populate your Project Financials and Selections with the Estimate here.

From the Price Book

Add frequently used items to your Budget easily through your Price Book. Click on + Add from Price Book in the top right corner:

This will bring you to a list of items you have stored there. You can choose items from your Price Book that already have data like the Cost Code, Type, Quantity, and Price. Search for the item via a tag or by searching the name or code. If you want to manage something in your Price Book before adding it to the Budget, just click on View Price Book in the top right corner to go directly there:

If you need additional information on Cost Codes and the Price Book, head over to this article.

From Scratch

To start creating your budget from scratch, click on either + Add New Item or + Add from Price Book:

When clicking on + Add New Item, you'll be creating an item from scratch and able to add all of the following info:

  • The book icon to the left of the "Name" field pulls up your Price Book to prefill the Budget Item

  • Associate the applicable Cost Code or leave as 'Uncategorized'

  • The 'Type' chosen will automatically associate the correct 'Unit' options beneath the Description




Flat Fee



Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Each, Cubic Feet, Cubic Yard, Gallons, Linear Feet, Linear Yard, Pounds, Square Feet, Square Yard, Squares, Tons, Cubic Centimeters,
Cubic Meters,
Linear Centimeters,
Linear Meters,
Square Centimeters,
Square Meters,

Each, Cubic Feet, Cubic Yard, Gallons, Linear Feet, Linear Yard, Pounds, Square Feet, Square Yard, Squares, Tons, Cubic Centimeters,
Cubic Meters,
Linear Centimeters,
Linear Meters,
Square Centimeters,
Square Meters,

No Unit

No Unit

  • The bottom line is where the Unit, Tax, Quantity, and Unit Cost are taken to calculate the item Cost

  • The Price reflects the Cost with or without any applicable Markup

Currently, items added using + Add New Item do not yet save to your Price Book. We recommend adding it to your Price Book if you feel it's an item you will use in other budgets. You can easily do this once the item is created by clicking on the ellipsis menu next to the item and selecting Add to Price Book:

Management Fee

The Budget contains all of your line items including things like the Management Fee. You can add your management fee depending on your business model at the bottom of the Budget using the Management Fee drop down:

The three management fees we support are:

  1. No Management Fee - this is used when you're adding individual markup on items instead to the sub-total of the budget.

  2. Fixed Fee - this is a single fixed total that is added to the sub-total of the budget.

  3. Cost Plus - this is a percentage that is added to the sub-total of budget and will adjust based on items added or as the sub-total adjusts.

Management fees can also be invoiced for just like other budget items.

Adding Selections to the Budget

Selections that are added from the Budget create the Selection Category used to add like-minded Selection Items to. This is not a Selection item itself which is why when creating selections within the Budget, you're only allowed to add an allowance and not a price.

Add the Selection either from your Price Book or by clicking on + Add Item in the Budget:

From there, add the Selection's name, cost code and type. Once you select the type as Selection, you'll notice Units, Tax, Quantity and Markup are removed so you can add in your Allowance amount.

Once the Selection is created on the Budget, you'll notice the Selection Category is created in the Selections tab:

Deleting a Selection

WARNING: Deleting an item typed as Selection from the Budget will delete that Selection Category and ALL items within that Category. Do not delete a Selection unless you are aware it is empty or you're wanting to remove all of that information. We are unable to restore Selections.

If you want to delete a Selection from the Budget, click on the ellipsis menu next to the item and select delete. When you do, this will trigger an additional message asking you to confirm:

Edit the Budget

To edit your budget items, click on the blue hyperlink in the name of the item in the Budget tab in Category View or make your adjustments easily in Spreadsheet View. You can make changes to the items name, cost code, type, status, and description.

Budget Items include Cost, Invoiced, and Estimated tabs and will populate with information there as it's added.

  • The Cost tab displays any bills or expenses associated with that specific budget item.

  • The Invoiced tab will tell you if the item is on an Invoice and how much of the item is remaining to be paid.

  • The Estimated tab is the amount that was originally presented in your Proposal and/or approved contract. The Price is always the same as the Estimated amount unless you choose to override it. If you didn't do an Estimate, this will typically be 0.

Any edits you make to the item will autosave!

Note: Edits to items within the Budget do not transfer to items in the Price Book and vice versa. If you want to permanently edit an item, do so in the Price Book first and then make your edits within the Budget.

Delete the item by clicking on the ••• menu in the top right corner of the item:

Spreadsheet View & Category View

There are two views for your budget that you can choose from, depending on how you'd like to view and edit the budget. You can access either view from the view drop down in the top left corner:

Category View

The Category View is organized by your Cost Codes, beginning with the Cost Code Categories followed by each individual code. These are listed numerically. This view includes Cost to Date, Price, and Estimated columns.

Spreadsheet View

The Spreadsheet View allows you to create and edit items directly in line, reorder lines via drag and drop, and quickly delete items.

Up Next

Print and Export your Budget

Bills & Expenses

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