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Opportunities Overview

How to manage and view Opportunities

Updated over a week ago

Opportunities are our powerful lead management tool! Opportunities are a great way to create and track information for prospective clients while creating and sharing personalized Estimates to them for approvals.

Opportunities are accessible to the Team Owner and Team Admins by clicking on the Opportunities tab in the main navigation:

Opportunity Details

Within each Opportunity you can qualify leads, assign ownership of the Opportunity to a team member, create Tasks with follow-up reminders, and organize notes and attachments. Just click on the Opportunity to get started.

Opportunity Stages

There are four stages you can move your Opportunity to in order for you and your team to see where they are in the sales process from start to finish. The “Stage” dropdown is located in the upper right when inside of an Opportunity. To change the Stage of a current Opportunity, simply click the dropdown and choose from one of the following:

  1. New: As soon as a new lead is created or added from your Portfolio, they’re automatically placed in the “New” stage.

  2. Qualifying: If you decide to pursue a lead, move it to “Qualifying”. Qualifying means something different for everyone but it typically means
    a) you're making sure the requested project scope matches your normal scope of work (i.e. if you only do remodels, you probably won't be doing custom homes)
    b) you're ensuring the Client has enough funds to complete the Project

  3. Estimating: Once you’ve started working on an estimate or have sent it out for Approval, move the lead to “Estimating”.

  4. Won: When the client approves the estimate or you've started the Project, move the Opportunity to “Won”.

  5. Lost or Archived: If you aren’t pursuing the Opportunity, either move it to the Lost or Archived Stage.

Assign an Owner

The Opportunity Owner is the person responsible for building the Estimate, sharing it with the Client and managing the Opportunities workflow. You can only assign one owner on any Opportunity as long as they are the Team Owner or a Pro Team Admin. Click the “Owner” dropdown in the upper right and select from the available users. The Opportunities owner will be the person who get's notifications about an Estimate's approval status.

Add Details

The Opportunity details include a few areas for adding and editing more information about the client and project.vIf you need to add or change the Job Address, Type, Budget, or Planned Schedule, you can do that here. If the Job Type you want to select isn’t shown, simply start typing in your custom type and hit enter to create a new one of your own.


If you don’t have a client associated with the Opportunity yet, click the “ + Add Client Info” blue box to create a new contact to be associated with the Opportunity. If you want to use an existing contact, simply start typing the contact name in and a dropdown will appear for you to choose from.

If a client is already associated with the Opportunity, you can click the three dots to the right of the client name to edit their contact information and more:

  • View Client: the client has a separate contact card linked directly in your People. This allows you to add or change information directly related to the client.

  • Add Another Client: If there are multiple people associated with the Opportunity, you can create another new client or add one from your People.

  • Remove Client: This will remove the client from the Opportunity only, they will remain in your People. This option is only available as long as there are multiple client's added to the Opportunity. There must always be one client added to the Opportunity.

Job Address and Property Info

The job address specifies where the work is to be done and can be different then the client's street address. Above the Job Address there is a link to Property Info that will give you access to property details to help you qualify leads faster - including structure and parcel info with zoning data to streamline your permit paperwork along with other crucial details like age of the home, square footage, material types, and more. You’ll also find Estimated Property value, Tax History, and Financing.

Note: Not all addresses will have property information, but if it’s available, we’ll display it.


This is a great spot to jot down details on your Opportunity like call logs and estimate details, or information you need to know about the job site and permitting. No more sticky notes!


Click “+ Add File” and choose any file or photo to attach to the Opportunity. These files are transferred with the Opportunity when you convert it over to a Project.

Delete or edit the title of an Opportunity

To delete an Opportunity or to change the title in the Opportunity Settings, click on the three dots in the upper right next to the Opportunity Owner. Then click Delete Opportunity or open the Opportunity Settings to change the name:

View Activity

You can see all activity related to your Opportunity by scrolling to the bottom of the page, beneath the Notes section.

The Activity Feed will keep you updated when the status for the Opportunity has been changed, when the Opportunity was created, and any activities within Tasks including new Tasks, completed Tasks, and comments made on Tasks.

Opportunity Views

There are two ways to visualize your Opportunities: Card View and List View.

  • Card View is the default view and makes it easy to quickly rearrange, organize, see what stage an Opportunity is in, and see totals for all cards within each Stage

  • List View gives you a single list of all Opportunities with a quick view of the Planned Schedule and when the Opportunity was last updated

To switch back and forth between List and Card View, click the dropdown next to the “Owner” filter.

Search and Filter

Both views allow you to filter by Owner and to search by Client Name or Title. To filter Opportunities by Owner, click the Owner dropdown in the upper right.

Next to the Owner Filter is the Search, where you can search by typing in the client name or the title of the Opportunity.

Card View

Card Columns

  • Cards are organized in a column for each Stage

  • The dollar values in the column headers reflect the sum total of all estimated budgets for all cards in that column

Card Components

  • Project Type (i.e. Kitchen Remodel)

  • Project Name

  • Project Estimated Budget

  • Customer(s) associated with the project

Rearrange cards within a Stage

Within each Stage you can quickly rearrange the cards for each Opportunity by dragging and dropping the different cards up and down within the list. Once you're happy with the new order, these settings will stay in place when you leave the app and return later on.

Move cards to a different Stage

When an Opportunity is ready to move to a different Stage, simply drag and drop the card from the current Stage to a new one.

List View

Opportunities in all Stages appear in the List View. You can move across Opportunity Stages by using the bar with the names of each Stage across the top (All, New, Qualifying, Estimating, Won).

To see Archived or Lost Opportunities, click the "Archive" dropdown to the right of the Stages.

List Components

  • The List View organizes your Opportunities by Title, Client, when it was last updated, Planned Schedule, and Owner

  • You can sort the Title, Updated, and Planned Schedule columns by clicking their names

Create Tasks for Opportunities

Along with the Details tab, each Opportunity has a separate Tasks tab where you and your team can create and assign Tasks with or without due dates and other information like notes and attachments.

This is the perfect place to set reminders to follow up with new leads and assign the follow-up to someone on your team. This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks and that you’re consistently in touch with new leads or clients that you’re qualifying.

The Tasks in your Opportunities work a lot like the Tasks in your Projects. To add a new Task, click on the Tasks tab within the Opportunity, and then click the + New Task.

Tasks can have a due date (or date range), notes, and attachments. Like projects, they can also be assigned to Pro Team Admins; Pro Team Members and Collaborators are not able to be assigned to Opportunity Tasks or view Opportunities. To assign a Task to someone, just start typing their name in the Assigned To field. There's no limit to how many users can be assigned to a Task.

Once you assign a Task to someone, they receive an email notification that they have a new Task. BuildBook also sends a daily email reminder with Tasks that are upcoming or overdue.

Once a new Task is created you and your team can comment on it and @mention others in the comments.

To mark a Task as complete, just check it off from your Tasks tab or inside the Task itself.


Opportunities are only available to the Pro Team Owner and Pro Team Admins. Pro Team Members, Collaborators or Clients will not be able to view or access opportunities at any time.

Although Owners and Admins can see all opportunities, each opportunity get's an owner assigned. The owner is the person designed to manage that lead and the information within it. The opportunities owner is who get notifications about happenings in their opportunity, such as Estimate Approvals. You can only add one owner at any point in time but you can change the owner if needed by clicking open the opportunity and selecting a new owner from the drop down in the top right corner.

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