** New ** Custom Task Statuses

Create, edit or delete Tasks statuses that are customized to your business!

Updated over a week ago

Customize Task Workflows & Statuses

Custom Task Statuses allow you to create a custom workflow for Tasks that match your businesses needs!

How to Customize Your Task Workflow - Add/Edit/Delete Task Statuses

From the global settings page, select the Edit Task Statuses menu.

From the task status settings, you can adjust your workflow by editing, adding, or deleting task statuses.

Adding a New Status

You can add a new status which will create a new option when managing your tasks. This will also create a new column in your Card View. This will apply to all projects across the board.

To do this, click on + Add Task Status in the top right corner. Create your status by adding the name and clicking on Save.

Adding a status will add a new column to Card View in your Tasks tab.

Renaming a Task Status

You can rename a status which will be reflected in the status dropdown menu when managing your tasks. This will also update the respective column in your Card View. This change will apply to all projects across the board.

Deleting a Task Status

You can delete a task status and re-assign the tasks to another status. A count of all the tasks that currently fall under this status will be shown, so you know how many tasks will be moved over to the new status. This change will apply to all projects across the board.

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