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Bills and Expenses Overview
Bills and Expenses Overview

Log and track bills, receipts, and more in your budget!

Updated over a week ago

You can track your bills and expenses via the Bills & Expenses tab within the Financials tab in your Project or by clicking on the More drop down navigation menu and selecting Bills & Expenses.

Bills and Expenses allow you to associate certain project costs with specific line items in the budget or by separating them across different projects. Bills or Expenses added populate your total costs in the Summary:

and in the Cost column and in the Budget > Category View under the Cost column:

Difference between Bills and Expenses

Bills and Expenses seem to be the same but they have a few key differences to help you track additional information.

Bills - Bills are invoices that have been sent to you by a Vendor. These can be for things like reoccurring services, e.g temporary power or trash hauling services, subcontractor labor on a Project or materials that were ordered for the Project. Bills typically have a due date as well as payment terms on them. Bills are not necessarily paid right away, which is why you have the option to mark them as Paid or leave them Unpaid. You should only mark the Bill as Paid once payment has been sent to the Vendor.

Expenses - Expenses are a different since these are not invoiced items. These are typically items you need to procure yourself or were unintended expenses on the Project; e.g. you needed additional material for the Project so you went to the hardware store to buy those materials. They typically don't have an invoice attached, instead you can upload your receipt to these. You'll also notice that Expenses are already marked paid because you had to pay for the expense at the time of purchase, negating the need for Paid or Un-Paid statuses.

Tracking Project Cost

Expenses and Bills appear in different areas of your Project Financials as your Cost to Date.

Financials Summary

The Cost column in the Financials Summary totals all bills and expenses broken down by Item Costs and Selections, which allows you to track your costs against your Estimated Price and Projected Price.

The Projected Price does not automatically change if your Cost exceeds your Estimated Price. However, you can manually override the Project Price if you choose.

Budget Line Items

Cost is also broken down in the Budget tab within Financials in the Cost column.

The details displayed within each item depend on the item type. Labor, Materials, or Flat Fee items display expenses with a "Cost" tab that includes the vendor, date, and cost.

Permissions for Bills and Expenses

Creating and editing bills/expenses are now entirely tied to the Financials permission.

Users with Everything access on Financials will be able to view and edit bills/expenses on anywhere (matching the screenshots above)

Users with Read and Comment only access on Financials will be able to view but not edit; they will have access to open read-only modals to review information. All info will be greyed out with a lock icon:

Users with no Financials access will get a read-only view of the line items but with no access to modals:


Clients will not automatically see Bills or Expenses unless you decide to optionally share that information with them.

To share the Cost and allow your Client to see Bills and Expenses, click on the Client Visibility button in the top right corner of project's Bills & Expenses tab and select the check box to share this information with them:

If you're curious about that the Client will see after you've applied those changes, you can click on See what the client sees to get a preview of their view of the Budget. You can always optionally de-select the Bills & Expenses in case you don't want your Clients to see Cost.

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