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Sync Bills and Expenses to QuickBooks Online

How to push Bills and Expenses from BuildBook to QBO

Updated over 5 months ago

Before you can sync Bills and Expenses to QuickBooks, make sure you've set up the initial integration!

Pushing Bills and Expenses from BuildBook to QuickBooks Online (QBO) is a seamless process, and in most cases, happens automatically!

When a project is turned on in the QuickBooks Sync settings page (indicated by the green toggle next to the project name), all new bills and expenses will automatically push to QBO. Once the sync is active, certain edits made within Bills in BuildBook will not sync over, including adjustments to the Payment Amount or changing the Status from Paid to Unpaid.

The connection status that helps easily indicate if there are any syncing issues is located in the project next to the address with either an Active, Recent Errors, or Inactive alert. You can additionally check on the status of individual bills and expenses in the status log.

How it works

Bills and expenses are pushed to QBO using Products and Services based on the Cost Codes associated to the bill or expense. BuildBook converts Cost Codes to Products and Services based on your QuickBooks settings.

Once a bill or expense is pushed to QBO, you can see the cost by Product and Service in the Items table in QBO. BuildBook will also mark the description of each item to make it clear that the item came from BuildBook.

The vendor associated with a bill or expense will also push to QBO when that item is pushed. Once a vendor is pushed to QBO, all changes to the vendor in BuildBook will update automatically in QBO.

Remember that bills and expenses push from BuildBook to QBO, so if you'd like to modify a bill or expense that came from BuildBook, you should edit it in BuildBook. We don't recommend editing bills and expenses from BuildBook in QBO.

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