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Create and Edit an Estimate

How to create and manage your Estimate.

Updated over 5 months ago


Create an Estimate

Estimates can be created in three ways:

  • Import from the Price Book

  • Copy from an existing Estimate

  • Start from scratch

1. Import from Price Book

The first option is to import your items from the Price Book.

If you haven't reviewed how to add Cost Codes and create your Price Book, we recommend reading this article.

"Import From Price Book" gives you a couple of options for adding all or some of the items you want to be included in the estimate.

First, you can choose "Select All" in the bottom left and automatically select everything, or you can select specific categories and items.

You can also choose from the tags you created to easily bulk add a collection of items like "Kitchen Remodel" or "Bathroom Remodel."

Once you've chosen what you want to be included in the estimate, just click "Add Items" in the bottom right.

2. Copy from another Estimate

The second option is to copy items from another estimate you've created.

Simply click on "Copy from another Estimate" where you can search through your Opportunities. Begin typing anything into the Search Bar and Opportunities with that criteria will begin to populate.

Then select "Copy Estimate."

** Note: Payment Schedules will not copy over. You will need to re-create a payment schedule for each individual Estimate.

3. Start from Scratch

The last option is to Start from Scratch. When you select this option, an Estimate item screen will appear allowing you to create a cost code for that particular item. The item will default to the cost code 99-000 Uncategorized.

From this screen, you can choose the item name, cost code associated with the item, type of item, associated pricing for that item, markup, and tax.

Item types are as follows:




Flat Fee



Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Each, Cubic Feet, Cubic Yard, Gallons, Linear Feet, Linear Yard, Pounds, Square Feet, Square Yard, Squares, Tons, Cubic Centimeters,
Cubic Meters,
Linear Centimeters,
Linear Meters,
Square Centimeters,
Square Meters,

Each, Cubic Feet, Cubic Yard, Gallons, Linear Feet, Linear Yard, Pounds, Square Feet, Square Yard, Squares, Tons, Cubic Centimeters,
Cubic Meters,
Linear Centimeters,
Linear Meters,
Square Centimeters,
Square Meters,

No Unit

No Unit

Estimate Views

There are two views for your estimate that you can choose from, depending on how you'd like to view and edit the estimate.

1. Spreadsheet View

This is the default view and is where you have the capabilities to create and edit items in your estimate, like reordering lines via drag and drop and deleting items.

2. Category View

This view is great for managing your estimate grouped by Cost Code Categories.

Edit an Estimate

You can easily edit your estimate items directly by clicking on any of the fields and typing in the details.

Easily rearrange with drag and drop

When you hover over a line item, you'll see two vertical bars show up to the left. This lets you drag and drop to rearrange the order of your items.

Import items from your Price Book

The book icon opens up the Price Book and allows you to add one of your Price Book items. Simply click on the icon and search for an item by name or code. This will prefill every field with that specific Price Book item.

Delete an item

If you need to delete an item you want to be looking in the Spreadsheet View vs. the Category View.

From here, hover over the line and click on the trash icon to the far right. You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the line item.

Edit the fields directly

The Code, Name, Type, Unit, Tax, Quantity, Unit Cost, and Markup can be adjusted by clicking the field or the drop-down associated with it and editing it directly.

Payment Schedule

The Payment Schedule allows your team to easily set up a payment schedule for your client to review. Payment schedules are not transferred over to Projects when you convert your Estimates but are there to give your Clients a quick view of what the payments may look like and when they could be due.

To add a Payment, click on the Add Payment Milestone button. Here you can create a payment title, set a payment due date, determine how the payment is calculated (either by the percentage of the estimate or a fixed amount), and change the payment status from Unpaid to Paid or Pending.

You also have the ability to add any additional notes or payment instructions for the team.

If you need to edit or delete a payment milestone, you can easily click on the Payment Name to access the payment and make any necessary edits.

Deleting an Estimate

Estimates can't be deleted from the Opportunity, they must have at least one version of the Estimate available and Published before you can delete other versions. You can delete versions of your Estimate by going to your Versions drop down menu > then click on the trash can next to the version you want to delete:

Next up

Convert an Estimate to a Project

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